
发布时间:2024-06-17 06:00   浏览次数: 次   作者:金沙集团网址
本文摘要:Creative types often dream of coming up with the next must-have gadget that will earn them a fortune.爱人建构的人总是梦想着发明者出有需要让自己大赚一笔的不可或缺神器。

Creative types often dream of coming up with the next must-have gadget that will earn them a fortune.爱人建构的人总是梦想着发明者出有需要让自己大赚一笔的不可或缺神器。But innovation isnt always something to be celebrated, if these ridiculous inventions are anything to go by.但是发明者并不总是有一点庆典,如果以下这些令人哭笑不得的发明者也算数发明者的话。People have been sharing examples of the most preposterous devices online, from a machine that pets your dog so you can save yourself the trouble to shoes with ready-painted toenails for when youre feeling lazy.人们在网上共享了最可笑的发明者,从爱抚狗狗的机器到让你懒散的“涂好指甲油”的鞋子。

Others have tried to revolutionise trusty kitchen gadgets such as the pizza cutter with very dubious results, while someone invented a fan that attaches to your chopsticks or cutlery to cool down food thats too hot.其他人还企图彻底改变可信的厨房用具,比如效果怀疑的披萨切割刀,以及相同在筷子或刀叉上的扇子,用来刮起凉太烫的食物。Fashion isnt safe either with the invention of a tape measure belt that shows how trim or otherwise your waistline is and underpants for your hands.连时尚也无法幸免于难。有人发明者出有了表明腰围的腰带,还有人给双手发明者了“内裤”。Who wants a pet that you cant pet? Apparently thought theres a market for a device aimed at people who cant be bothered to stroke their dogs如果你无法爱抚自己的宠物,那饲宠物做到什么?似乎,发明者指出有这样一群人连自己的狗狗都懒得亲吻。

In a hurry to eat dinner? A fan you can attach to your chopsticks will make sure you dont risk burning your tongue缓着不吃晚餐?把扇子相同在筷子上,这样你就会毛巾到你的舌头了。Too lazy to paint your toenails? No matter how badly you need a pedicure, its doubtful that these shoes are going to make a much better impression懒得涂抹脚趾甲?不管你多么必须修指甲,这样的鞋能否给你的形象扣分还感叹令人猜测。Therell be no more embarrassing moments in Japanese restaurants with this cutlery-chopstick hybrid有了这种刀叉和筷子的合成物,在日本餐厅你再也不会失望了。If it aint broke! Most have a pizza cutter in their drawer for a very good reason and those that dont can just use a knife如果厂家不倒闭的话,多数人都很有理由在自己的抽屉里备上一把披萨切割刀,如果没的话,你可以必要用一把普通的刀来托披萨。

Gained at Weight Watchers this week? Why not advertise your disappointment to the world with a belt that keeps track of your waistline本周在慧俪轻体机构发现自己变重了?为什么不必这种记录你腰围的腰带把你的沮丧广而告之?Phones can now play music, take photos, run countless apps and apparently give you a shave in the mornings手机现在可以播出音乐、照片、运营数不清的应用于,似乎还可以在早上为你刮胡子。If youre not limber enough to undo your own bra, perhaps there are bigger concerns to attend to than rushing out to buy this clapping activated device如果你手脚过于灵活性无法找出文胸,或许除了跑去卖这个解法文胸转录装置外,你还有其他更加最重要的事必须担忧。Do not disturb: This screen privacy hoodie supposedly blocks unwanted attention but is likely to have the opposite effect不要睡觉:这种“隐私屏蔽”帽衫据传可以挡掉不想的注目,但也有可能产生反效果。Snack happy! Ensure you never go hungry with a pouch that allows you to take a slice of pizza everywhere you go快乐的小吃时间!这个袋子让你跑到哪里也不怕可怜,因为你可以从袋子里放入一片披萨来不吃。

Didnt they get the memo? When you spend all your time inventing underpants for the hands only to discover that gloves exist, the disappointment much be huge他们没备忘录吗?当你花上了那么多时间给手发明者内裤后,你不会找到有手套这种东西,你那时候一定超级沮丧。Waste not a moment! If you like every second of your life to be non-stop entertainment, then toilet golf is the device for you一秒钟也不浪费!如果你期望生命中的每一秒钟都是不时地在娱乐,那么厕所高尔夫很合适你。Paranoid much? This device allows you to go through life without touching anything!过于病态了吧?这个小工具让你无论回头到哪里,都会遇到任何东西!Not such a jean-ius idea: Surprisingly these denim flip flop wedges have not been seen on the haute couture catwalk在牛仔时装界这个主意不是太高明:令人吃惊的是这种牛仔拖鞋没经常出现在高级时装的T台上。

