
发布时间:2024-06-15 06:00   浏览次数: 次   作者:金沙集团网址
本文摘要:The prospect of astronauts tucking into a roast dinner has grown slightly closer after a successful experiment used a 3D printer to create meat on the International Space Station.一项用于3D打印机在国际空间站制作肉类的实验顺利后,宇航员大不吃烤肉的梦想距离构建更加将近了一步。

The prospect of astronauts tucking into a roast dinner has grown slightly closer after a successful experiment used a 3D printer to create meat on the International Space Station.一项用于3D打印机在国际空间站制作肉类的实验顺利后,宇航员大不吃烤肉的梦想距离构建更加将近了一步。The bioprinter produced beef, rabbit and fish tissue using magnetic fields in microgravity, a Russian medical technology company involved in the experiment said Wednesday.10月9日,参予实验的一家俄罗斯医疗技术公司回应,这款生物打印机利用微重力环境下的磁场生产出有了牛肉、兔子肉和鱼肉的组织。

The experiment -- an international collaboration involving US, Russian and Israeli companies -- was carried out in September by cosmonaut Oleg Skripochka in the stations Russian segment using a 3D printer developed in Moscow.今年9月,宇航员奥列格·斯克里波奇卡在国际空间站俄罗斯舱段用于莫斯科研发的3D打印机积极开展了这一实验。该实验由美国、俄罗斯和以色列公司合作已完成。

The creators say it is the first to create a small amount of artificial meat in conditions of weightlessness.研究人员说道,这是首次在减压条件下生产出有少量人造肉。Its one small nibble for man, one giant bite for mankind, said Yusef Khesuani of 3D Bioprinting Solutions, the Russian laboratory that created the bioprinter.俄罗斯3D生物打印机解决方案实验室的奇塞夫·赫苏亚尼说道:“这是个人的部分口,人类的一大口。”该实验室月已完成这一试验的生物打印机制造商。

The laboratory was founded by Invitro, a large Russian private medicine company.该实验室是由俄罗斯大型私营医药公司Invitro正式成立的。The Roscosmos space agency part-financed the experiment as of national importance.俄罗斯联邦航天局也为这项具备国家级重要性的试验资助了部分资金。It was really a breakthrough both for Roscosmos and Russia as a whole, said Nikolai Burdeiny, executive director of the state space corporation, which includes Roscosmos.俄罗斯联邦航天局所属的俄罗斯国家航天公司的继续执行董事尼古拉·布尔杰伊尼说道:“这对俄罗斯联邦航天局和整个俄罗斯来说都是极大的突破。

”For us it was the first experience of international scientific collaboration in space, Khesuani said, using cells provided by Israeli and US food-tech companies.赫苏亚尼说道:“对我们来说,这是首次在太空积极开展国际科学合作。”实验用的是以色列和美国食品科技公司获取的细胞。Thank God the experiment went successfully ... All the cells showed a good result in space, he added.他还说道:“谢天谢地,试验顺利了……所有细胞在太空的试验结果都很好。

”Astronauts eat meat on board that is vacuum-packed or dried on Earth but this technology could ultimately be necessary for long voyages into deep space, said veteran cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko.资深宇航员奥列格·科诺年科说道,宇航员在太空一般来说不吃的是地球上真空包装或水解的肉类,但这一技术最后有可能沦为去外层空间航行所必须的技术。If were going to fly further from Earth to other planets in the solar system, we cant take that volume of food with us, he told AFP.他告诉他法新社说道:“如果我们要从地球飞到太阳系中的其他行星,我们无法带上那么多食物。”In any case we will have to grow and produce food onboard the spaceship.“无论如何,我们都必需在飞船上栽种和生产食物。”I think progress is developing very quickly, science and knowledge, and I think this will be within our lifetimes, he said.他说道:“我指出科学和科学知识进展飞快,在有生之年我们能构建这些目标。

”Creating larger amounts of meat in the Russian segment will need more complex equipment than the current printer, said Khesuani.赫苏亚尼说道,在国际空间站俄罗斯舱段生产更加多肉类必须的设备比这台打印机更加简单。Then we can create not just small objects but big ones, made of a large mass of cells.“随后我们不仅可以生产小块的肉,甚至可以生产出有由大量细胞包含的大块肉。

”I hope we will continue these experiments.“我期望这些试验可以之后展开下去。

