优步和滴滴正在囤积粮草 准备决战|金沙集团网址

发布时间:2024-04-21 06:00   浏览次数: 次   作者:金沙集团网址
本文摘要:If you listen closely, you might be able to hear something that sounds like the continents shifting and grinding together, deep under the earth’s crust. Is there an earthquake coming? No, that’s just the sound of massive piles of cash being moved—the vast sums of money that Uber and its Chinese rival Didi Chuxing are stockpiling for their battle to own the global ride-hailing market.如果细心倾听,大家或许能听见地壳深处大陆板块飘移断裂的声音。

If you listen closely, you might be able to hear something that sounds like the continents shifting and grinding together, deep under the earth’s crust. Is there an earthquake coming? No, that’s just the sound of massive piles of cash being moved—the vast sums of money that Uber and its Chinese rival Didi Chuxing are stockpiling for their battle to own the global ride-hailing market.如果细心倾听,大家或许能听见地壳深处大陆板块飘移断裂的声音。是要地震了吗?非也。

那不过是两大堆资金挪动的声音,更加精确点说道是优步及其中国竞争对手滴滴出有不道德争夺战全球叫车服务市场筹措巨款。Just a couple of weeks ago, Uber raised $3.5 billion in financing from the investment fund belonging to Saudi Arabia’s royal family as part of a total financing worth $5 billion, one of the largest funding rounds ever raised by a venture-backed company. That investment brought the total raised by Uber to more than $10 billion, and gave it a theoretical market value of about $62 billion.就在几周前,沙特皇室旗下的投资基金向优步投资35亿美元,优步本轮融资规模已约50亿美元,沦为风投反对的公司有史以来筹措金额仅次于的一次。优步的总融资额也因此突破100亿美元,理论上市场价值超过大约620亿美元。

Now there are reports that Uber is raising as much as $2 billion more, but this time it is doing so via the debt market, a somewhat more risky endeavor than the equity or venture-capital markets. One reason it may be doing so is to avoid diluting its existing equity value for existing investors, in advance of a possible initial public offering of stock next year. A debt issue of this kind also means it doesn’t have to publicly release its financial information.目前有报导称之为,优步还要再融资20亿美元,不过就是指债券市场,债市融资比从股市或投资基金市场融资风险多少要大一些。优步之所以考虑到这种方式,一个原因有可能是为防止摊薄现有投资者手中的权益价值,因为明年该公司有可能上市。

此外,优步采行的债务融资方式发债需要发布财务数据。Not to be outdone, Didi Chuxing just finished raising $7 billion in funding from a group of investors that includes Apple and China’s top life insurance company. The round consisted of $4.5 billion in equity funding and $2.5 billion in debt, and gives the Uber competitor a theoretical market value of about $28 billion.愤堕于劣势的滴滴上下班也刚向一群投资者筹措了70亿美元资金,还包括苹果公司和中国仅次于的寿险公司。滴滴此轮融资还包括45亿美元的股票和25亿美元的债券,其理论市场价值超过280亿美元左右。

But Didi’s strongest card in this rapidly accelerating game of automotive chicken may not be its growing cash hoard. The company, which was created last year by the merger of two competing taxi-hailing apps, also has some extremely powerful local investors—including China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba and its social-networking behemoth Tencent. Both reportedly put money into the latest round, and they clearly have the resources to finance a significant battle. Start your engines.然而,在这场愈演愈烈的汽车界懦夫博弈论中,滴滴的王牌未必是持续增长的资金储备。滴滴由两家曾相互竞争的叫车服务商拆分而出,背后的投资者有一些实力非常很深,其中还包括中国电子商务巨擘阿里巴巴和社交网络巨无霸腾讯。据报导,阿里和腾讯都参予了滴滴的近期一轮融资,而且两家的资源顶着一场大仗似乎不成问题。


