
发布时间:2024-04-19 06:00   浏览次数: 次   作者:金沙集团网址
本文摘要:The City of Gold has turned to printing for its latest showpiece building, using a giant industrial 3D printer to construct a futuristic office space in just 17 days.迪拜近日用于3D打印机技术修建的办公室日前亮相,这座极具未来感的办公室用于了一台巨型3D工业打印机修建,仅有耗时17天。

The City of Gold has turned to printing for its latest showpiece building, using a giant industrial 3D printer to construct a futuristic office space in just 17 days.迪拜近日用于3D打印机技术修建的办公室日前亮相,这座极具未来感的办公室用于了一台巨型3D工业打印机修建,仅有耗时17天。Government officials suggest the “world first” development in the Persian Gulf shows how 3D printing technology can usher in an era of lower cost and faster delivery construction.迪拜政府回应,该地区所打造出的世界首个3D打印机办公室表明出有,在执着更加低成本和更加慢的建筑交付给速度的当今时代,3D打印机技术很有前景。

Dubbed the ‘Office of the Future,’ the TV-shaped space was built – or should we say, printed – using a special mixture of cement, according to a government statement.根据政府声明,这间形如一台电视机的办公室取名为“未来办公室”,是用于特制的水泥混合物修建的,或者应当说道是打印机的。Erected in just over two weeks, the single-story, 250 square meter workplace will, rather fittingly, host the Dubai Future Foundation.这座办公室的修建仅有花费了两周时间,只有一层,占地面积250平方米,非常适合沦为迪拜未来基金会的办公地。But the most amazing element of city’s newfangled approach to architecture is that the large office was made using a massive printer measuring 20 feet high, 120 feet long and 40 feet wide.但迪拜新潮的建筑方式的仅次于亮点是,打印机这间办公室的巨型3D打印机有20英尺高,120英尺宽,40英尺长。

Advanced computer-aided design programs were used in the construction, while materials were sent to both China and UK for safety testing.修建中用于了先进设备的电脑辅助设计程序,材料被送到中英两国展开安全性检测。The creation was part of Dubai’s 3D Printing Strategy, which will see the city roll out further new-age projects based in medicine and construction.这座建筑物是迪拜3D打印机战略的一部分,将亲眼迪拜积极开展更进一步的基于医药和建筑业的新新时代项目计划。

