
发布时间:2024-09-29 06:00   浏览次数: 次   作者:金沙集团网址
本文摘要:China has launched an app allowing users to identify nearby debtors and report those who appear to be shirking the responsibility of paying back what they owe.中国发售了一款容许用户辨识附近的债务人并报告欠账人的应用程序。

China has launched an app allowing users to identify nearby debtors and report those who appear to be shirking the responsibility of paying back what they owe.中国发售了一款容许用户辨识附近的债务人并报告欠账人的应用程序。The Higher Peoples Court of Herbei in northern China released the software, called “a map of deadbeat debtors”, last week as an add-on to the popular WeChat messaging service.中国北方的河北高级人民法院于上周公布了该软件,取名为“老赖地图”,作为风行的微信的可选小程序。Users are given an on-screen radar, which allows them to discover if there is anyone who owes money within a 500 metre radius, according to the state-owned China Daily newspaper.据国有《中国日报》报导,用户根据屏幕上的雷达,让他们需要找到附近500米范围内的人否有欠款情况。

Debtors information is available to check through the app and individuals are encouraged to whistle-blow if they believe the person can afford to pay back what they owe but is refusing to do so.用户可以通过应用程序查阅债务人的信息看,希望用户检举有能力偿还债务他们的债务但却拒绝接受这样做到的人。“Its a part of our measures to enforce our rulings and create a socially credible environment,” a court spokesman said.法院发言人说道:“这是我们继续执行判决和建构社会可靠环境措施的一部分。”Chinese society generally frowns upon people in debt, with citizens who live a frugal existence viewed more favourably than those who live beyond their means.中国社会广泛对有负债的人所持负面印象,生活俭朴的人比那些还债打肿脸充胖子的人的更让人解读。

Overall household debt as a percentage of GDP is lower in China than in most Western countries, although this is beginning to change.尽管中国的家庭债务占到GDP的百分比总体上比西方国家较低,但早已开始慢慢有了变化。

