
发布时间:2024-09-03 06:00   浏览次数: 次   作者:金沙集团网址
本文摘要:New evidence in the Apple-Samsung patent trial bolstered a widespread suspicion: this case might as well be called Apple v. Google. 苹果公司(Apple)与三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)专利诉讼案流入的新证据反对了外界的一个普遍猜测:也许这某种程度是一场苹果与谷歌(Google Inc.)之间的战争。

New evidence in the Apple-Samsung patent trial bolstered a widespread suspicion: this case might as well be called Apple v. Google. 苹果公司(Apple)与三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)专利诉讼案流入的新证据反对了外界的一个普遍猜测:也许这某种程度是一场苹果与谷歌(Google Inc.)之间的战争。Apple on Tuesday introduced a deposition by Google lawyer James Maccoun, who verified emails that the search giant had offered to cover some of Samsungs legal costs and agreed to foot some of the damages if the Korean electronics giant lost. AP苹果周二索取了一份谷歌律师麦考恩(James Maccoun)的证词。麦考恩证实了一批谷歌与三星的往来电子邮件。

这些邮件表明,谷歌不愿分担三星的部分诉讼成本,如果三星胜诉,谷歌还表示同意分担部分赔偿金。Googles legal protection pertained to two of the five patents asserted by Apple in this case. Apple is seeking $2.2 billion from Samsung for infringing those five patents. Samsung has countered by saying that Apple infringed two of its patents and is seeking $7 million. 苹果在该案中指控三星侵害了其五项专利,赔偿22亿美元,谷歌获取给三星的法律援助就牵涉到其中的两项专利。三星反诉苹果侵害其两项专利,拒绝苹果赔偿金700万美元。

The deep links between Google and Samsung are not surprising. Earlier in the trial, Samsung has said that four of the five patents Apple is asserting were covered by Googles work on the Android operating system and Google engineers testified on Samsungs behalf during the trial to counter Apples claims. Samsung is the biggest manufacturer of smartphones and tablets running Android. 谷歌与三星过从甚密并不令人车祸。在案件审理早期三星就曾回应,苹果提到的五项专利中,有四项是谷歌为安卓(Android)系统研发的,谷歌工程师也出庭为三星出庭作证。三星是全球仅次于的安卓智能手机和平板电脑生产商。

In the deposition, Maccoun confirmed that Google agreed to help defend Samsung against some intellectual property claims as part of the Mobile Application Distribution Agreement (MADA) between the two companies. This agreement allows Samsung to use Google applications on its devices. 麦考恩证实,根据两家公司签订的“移动应用于分销协议”(MADA),谷歌表示同意协助三星应付知识产权诉讼。该协议容许三星在其设备上用于谷歌研发的应用于。The deposition was introduced by Apple to refute an earlier statement by Samsung saying that it was not seeking indemnification from Google in Sept. 2012 for the patents in question. This deposition authenticated emails from April 2012 of Samsung discussing indemnification terms with Google. 苹果索取麦考恩的证词,是为了驳斥三星之前在一份声明中说道它没在2012年9月就纠纷专利向谷歌索取补偿。而这份证词证实了2012年4月起三星与谷歌辩论补偿事宜的多份邮件的真实性。

Introducing the deposition was a slight departure from Apples legal strategy so far in the trial, which is taking place in U.S. District Court in San Jose, Calif. Throughout the trial, Apples lawyers had been downplaying Googles role in the case, making clear that Samsung was the main party in this case. 本案目前正在加州 何塞地区法院(District Court in San Jose)审理,索取这份证词标志着开庭以来苹果的诉讼策略有了小小的变化。在之前的庭审过程中,苹果律师仍然淡化谷歌在本案中的角色,具体三星才是案件主体。Earlier on Tuesday, Apple defended itself against the two patents that Samsung is asserting by noting that the Korean firm had purchased the patents after the iPhone maker filed its first patent suit in 2011. Samsung has argued that it regularly acquires patents as part of building its intellectual property portfolio. 周二早些时候,苹果为自己被指控侵害三星两项专利做到了申辩,称之为三星是在2011年苹果驳回首桩专利诉讼后才出售的这两项专利。三星则回应,为了扩展知识产权人组,自己定期出售专利。

