
发布时间:2024-06-21 06:00   浏览次数: 次   作者:金沙集团网址
本文摘要:1. Hundreds of genes spring to life after you die - and they keep functioning for up to four days. Together with an unexplained case in March that recorded brain activity in a corpse up to 10 minutes after death, were starting to realise that death as we know it still retains some strange signs of life.在你死后,数以百计的基因不会忽然活跃一起,而且还不会之后活动长达4天。

1. Hundreds of genes spring to life after you die - and they keep functioning for up to four days. Together with an unexplained case in March that recorded brain activity in a corpse up to 10 minutes after death, were starting to realise that death as we know it still retains some strange signs of life.在你死后,数以百计的基因不会忽然活跃一起,而且还不会之后活动长达4天。3月份的一个实例指出,在人死后,尸体的大脑还不会活动长达10分钟,连同这个无法解释的实例,我们开始意识到我们所理解的丧生仍然保留一些怪异的生命迹象。2. Livers grow by almost half during waking hours. New research suggests that livers have the capacity to grow by almost 50 percent during the day, before shrinking back to their original size at night. They are the only organ we know of that oscillate this way.在你醒着的时候,肝可以不断扩大将近一半。

新的研究认为,在白天的时候,肝有能力不断扩大近50%,然后在夜间则不会松开到完整尺寸。肝是我们所告诉到的唯一一个可以这样变化的器官。3. The root cause of eczema has finally been identified. Scientists have tracked down a series of proteins and molecular pathways that lead to this insufferable skin problem, revealing that the protein filaggrin isnt the sole culprit we thought it was.湿疹的根本原因最后获得证实。

科学家查出了一系列蛋白质和分子引发这种令人难以忍受的皮肤问题的途径,并认为丝单体蛋白并非唯一的祸首,而我们过去毕竟这样指出的。4. We were wrong - the testes are connected to the immune system after all. Researchers have discovered a very small door that allows the testes to send one-way signals to the immune system, and it could explain why some men struggle with infertility, and why certain cancer vaccines keep failing.我们拢了——最后睾丸还是与免疫系统有关联的。研究人员找到了“一扇十分小的门”使睾丸可以向免疫系统发送到单向信号,这说明了为什么一些男性不会被不孕症所后遗症,也说明了某些癌症疫苗仍然告终的原因。

5. The causes of hair loss and greying are linked, and for the first time, scientists have identified the cells responsible.皮肤炎和头发变黑的原因是涉及的,科学家首次证实了回应负有责任的细胞。6. A brand new human organ has been classified. Researchers have given the nod to the mesentery - an organ thats been hiding in plain sight in our digestive system this whole time. But thats only half the story, because were still not sure exactly what it does.一种全新的器官被归类了。研究人员表示同意为肠系膜归类,这种器官似乎仍然隐蔽在我们的消化系统中。

但这只是其中的一方面,因为我们还不确认它究竟是什么。7. An unexpected new lung function has been found. Researchers have found that lungs dont just facilitate respiration - they also play a key role in blood production, with the ability to produce more than 10 million platelets (tiny blood cells) per hour. That equates to the majority of platelets in circulation at any given moment.肺的一项车祸功能被找到了。研究人员找到肺某种程度能增进呼吸作用,在肝脏方面也起关键作用,肺每小时能生产1000多万血小板(微小的血细胞),这相等于任何特定时刻循环中的血小板的大多数。

8. Your appendix might not be a useless evolutionary byproduct after all. Unlike your wisdom teeth, your appendix might actually be serving an important biological function - and one that our species isnt ready to give up just yet.你的阑尾注定有可能不是一个多余的演化副产物。你的阑尾不像智齿那样,事实上它有可能充分发挥着最重要的生物学功能,刚好现在人类还没有准备好退出阑尾的这种功能。9. The brain literally starts eating itself when it doesnt get enough sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation causes the clearing process that usually happens when we sleep to kick into hyperdrive, prompting the brain to clear a huge amount of neurons and synaptic connections away.当大脑没获得充份休眠状态时,它显然就开始自噬了。

在我们睡的时候,“清理”程序一般来说就不会启动,但长年缺少睡眠中不会使该程序正处于高速运转状态,促成大脑清理大量神经元相连和神经元相连。10. Neuroscientists have discovered a whole new role for the brains cerebellum. Its long been assumed that the cerebellum functions largely outside the realm of conscious awareness, coordinating basic physical activities like standing and breathing, but it could actually play a key role in shaping human behaviour.神经系统科学家找到了小脑的一项全新功能。

长期以来人们仍然指出小脑基本上与意识直觉等活动牵涉到,它的主要起到是协商双脚、排便等基本的身体活动,然而,实质上小脑在影响人类不道德上也充分发挥着最重要起到。11. Our gut bacteria are messing with us in ways we could never have imagined. New research has revealed that neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinsons might actually start out in the gut, rather than the brain, and theres mounting evidence that the human microbiome could be to blame for chronic fatigue syndrome. With gut bacteria showing signs of controlling our appetite, changing our brain structure, and triggering brain lesions that could lead to strokes, our tiny passengers are a force to be reckoned with.肠道细菌于是以以我们想象将近的方式阻碍着我们。新的研究认为,像帕金森综合症等神经退行性疾病实质上有可能始自肠道,而不是大脑。更加多的证据表明,慢性疲惫综合征有可能要归咎于人体内的微生物群系。


