
发布时间:2024-05-29 06:00   浏览次数: 次   作者:金沙集团网址
本文摘要:Chinas three state-run telecom carriers are not known for their cooperative abilities, be it with each other, with customers or even with partners.中国三大国有电信运营商未曾因为它们的合作精神有名,无论是运营商彼此之间、它们与用户甚至是合作伙伴的关系皆是如此。

Chinas three state-run telecom carriers are not known for their cooperative abilities, be it with each other, with customers or even with partners.中国三大国有电信运营商未曾因为它们的合作精神有名,无论是运营商彼此之间、它们与用户甚至是合作伙伴的关系皆是如此。So it comes of something of a surprise that China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd. 0762.HK +0.35% is joining up with China Mobile Ltd. 0941.HK +0.29% and in the future possibly China Telecom Corp. CHA +0.41% 岸 to offer a single standardized payment plugin that could be used by the countrys many app developers and app stores.因此,当中国牵头网络通信(香港)股份有限公司(China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd., 全称:中国联通)与中国移动有限公司(China Mobile Ltd., 全称:中国移动)将联手发售可可供中国众多应用于开发者和应用于商店用于的融合计费SDK(软件开发工具包)时,这无非令人深感有些车祸。未来中国电信股份有限公司(China Telecom Corp.)也有可能重新加入这一行列。

The two will launch a prototype of the plugin on May 17th, China Unicom Deputy General Manager Shen Zhou told China Real Time earlier this week.中国联通沃商店副总经理沈洲上周早些时候对《华尔街日报》“中国实时报”栏目说道,双方将于5月17日发售融合计费SDK样品。The rare decision to cooperate comes as all three Chinese telecom operators come under increasing pressure from the rise of smartphone applications, like Tencents WeChat, that have made traditional telecoms services like voice calls and text messaging obsolete.中国三大电信运营商这一绝佳的合作正逢腾讯微信等智能手机应用于的兴起给其带给更加大的压力。

这些应用于令其语音通话和文字短信等传统电信业务变得过时。Its also a bid by the China Mobile and China Unicom to beef up their ability to tap into the quickly rising amounts of revenue being generated by consumer spending on mobile applications, in particular games.这也是中国移动和中国联通发展壮大实力以转入收益很快下降的一个市场的一次尝试。这一市场的收益来自消费者在移动应用于上的开支,其中奇以游戏居多。

Currently 60% of users who pay money within applications or for an application make use of payment services run by telecom carriers, according to Mr. Shen. That means users opt either to use top-up cards, which can be purchased at many convenience stores around China, or their phone bill to pay for services on their smartphone.据沈洲说道,目前通过移动应用于展开缴纳或出售移动应用于的用户中有60%是利用电信运营商获取的缴纳服务。这意味著用户或是自由选择充值卡收费(在中国的很多便利店都能购买),或是把通过智能手机出售的各种服务的费用特到手机话费账单中。Originally games were for hardcore gamers, Mr. Shen said, adding but mobile games attract everyone from five- and six-year olds to 70- and 80-year olds. This development brings in new revenue from a new source.沈洲说道,一开始玩游戏的都是些铁杆游戏迷。


Analysts generally agree with the move, pointing out that payment standardization would be a great boon to application developers in China, who currently are forced to integrate a number of different payment platforms into their applications, slowing down the time to market.分析师广泛认同这一措施,认为缴纳标准化对中国的应用于开发者来说是众多受到影响。开发者目前被迫将众多有所不同的缴纳平台统合到自己的移动应用于中,推迟了程序上市的时间。This will make it infinitely easier for app developers to get their apps reviewed and approved at once, rather than multiple times, said Mark Natkin, managing director of Beijing-based technology research group Marbridge Consulting.科技研究公司北京迈博瑞咨询有限公司(Marbridge Consulting)董事总经理纳特金(Mark Natkin)说道,这将很大便利应用于开发者。

这样他们研发的应用于只需一次审查、批准后就讫,需要像以前那样得好多次。The deal is also likely to help the telecom companies garner more revenue by cutting out the increasing number of companies that act as middle men between telecoms and content creators, like app developers. These companies, which take a cut in the revenue, make their money by navigating the at times byzantine bureaucratic structures and licensing processes needed to get approval to register for payment with all three of Chinas major telecoms.此举还有可能协助电信运营商取得更加多收益,因为此举需要增加在运营商和内容创造者(比如应用于开发者)之间更加多当作中间人的企业数量。这些当作中间人的企业不会在收益中分为,它们赚的途径是切断繁复的官僚体系和许可流程。这些申请都是为取得中国三大电信运营商缴纳业务登记审核所必需的。

The new platform could also make life easier for China Mobile and China Unicom customers an important consideration for a pair of companies that are routinely singled out by Chinese social media users as ranking among the countrys most despised state-owned enterprises.新的平台也有可能让中国移动和中国联通的用户日子好过一些。这两家公司常常被中国社交媒体用户直斥为归属于中国最让人痛恨的国有企业之佩,对它们来说此举称得上上为用户考虑到的最重要行动。The China market is starting to consolidate, said Bertrand Schmidt, Chief Executive of app research firm App Annie.应用于研究公司App Annie的首席执行长施密特(Bertrand Schmidt)说道,中国市场于是以开始统合。In terms of distribution channels as well as payment options#.the market gets better, more logical, you can start to connect with one single source of monetization, its good for everyone, he added.他还说道,在分销渠道以及缴纳自由选择上……市场显得更佳,更加有条理,你可以开始相连单一的货币化来源,这对所有人都是好事。

Nonetheless, China Unicoms Mr. Shen said the plugin is still is only a prototype and it will take more work to make it a true standard, which means that the operators will continue to discuss options with China Telecom, popular third-party app stores run by Internet companies like Qihoo 360 Technology Co., and other smaller payment providers. Mr. Shen said China Unicom and China Mobile were still in the process of integrating the many companies that provide top-up card services around the country into the payment platform.不过中国联通的沈洲说道,融合计费SDK依然只是个雏形,还必须展开更好的工作才能将它打导致确实的标准,这意味著各家运营商将之后与中国电信、奇虎360科技有限公司(Qihoo 360 Technology Co.)等网络公司运营的高人气第三方应用于商店以及其他较小的缴纳服务提供商谈判涉及自由选择。沈洲说道,中国联通和中国移动仍在将众多在全国各地获取充值卡服务的公司统合到这个缴纳平台中。

Mr. Shen, who is in charge of Wo Store, China Unicoms application store, said the store has grown quickly since it was launched earlier this year. In the first quarter, he said the store brought in more than 30 million yuan in revenue and is targeting 200 million to 300 million yuan in revenue for the entire year.沈洲负责管理中国联通的应用于商店沃商店。他说道,该商店自今年早些时候发售以来快速增长很快;第一季度构建收益逾人民币3,000万元,全年目标为2亿至3亿元。

