
发布时间:2024-04-01 06:00   浏览次数: 次   作者:金沙集团网址
本文摘要:Light pollution is so bad in Singapore that peoples eyes never fully adapt to the dark when looking at the sky after sunset.新加坡的光污染十分相当严重,太阳落山后的夜空,他们的眼睛未曾适应环境过黑暗。

Light pollution is so bad in Singapore that peoples eyes never fully adapt to the dark when looking at the sky after sunset.新加坡的光污染十分相当严重,太阳落山后的夜空,他们的眼睛未曾适应环境过黑暗。Its pretty bad elsewhere too. A recent study, published in Science Advances, created an atlas of artificial night-sky brightness that measures and compares sky luminance around the world. A full one-third of humanity lives under skies where you cant see the Milky Way.别处的情况也很差劲。最近公开发表在《科学变革》的一项研究建构了人为夜空亮度的地图集,测量并较为世界各地天空的亮度。

有三分之一的人生活在无法看见银河的天空之下。In the map below, white spots show where peoples eyes never adapt to darkness - when eye rods take over from eye cones. Red shows where people cant see the Milky Way. Anything but black shows some level of light pollution.在下面的地图上,白色斑点回应这个地方的人们的眼睛根本没适应环境黑暗 - 视网膜杆替换视锥。红色的点表明这里的人们无法看见银河系。

除黑色之外的颜色表明受到光污染的有所不同水平。And a chart of the most light-polluted countries. Again, white shows the population living under skies that never get dark enough to cause eyes to adapt to night.有一张受到光污染最相当严重的地区的图表。

再行一次表明了白代表这个地方的人的天空根本没充足的黑暗来使眼睛适应环境夜间生活。Light pollution is problematic for several reasons.导致光污染是有很多原因的。In addition to making astronomic research difficult, it can impact biological circadian rhythms, altering the behavior of birds, reptiles and even humans. A recentstatement from the American Medical Association also warned against the dangers of LED lights, which are increasingly replacing street lamps due to their energy efficiency. The blue light emitted by LED bulbs is more disruptive than traditional warmer-looking lighting.光污染不仅不会使天文研究显得艰难,还不会影响到生物昼夜变化的规律,转变鸟类,爬行动物甚至人类的不道德。


But in a Quora thread about the absence of stars in Singapores night sky, local contributors have a few tips about how to find glimpses of them. User Ryan Phung suggests traveling to remote places in the city, like Tanjong Beach or Pulau Ubin. And Akshay Mamidi suggests looking up long enough for your to eyes adjust, then using a star chart to make sure you look in the right places.但在Quora上关于新加坡的夜空没星星的发问,当地志愿者对如何寻找它们踪迹得出了的一些建议。用户瑞安命建议行经到离城市偏僻的地方,像丹戎海滩或乌敏岛。阿克沙伊麦迪建议直视充足宽的时间使你的眼睛适应环境,然后看星图保证你看的是准确的地方。

Residents of Singapore are not alone in their struggles to see the stars. According to the study, 99% of US and European populations live with some level of light pollution, and 80% of North Americans cant see the Milky Way either.新加坡的居民在去找星星的过程中不是孤军奋战。这项研究指出美国和欧洲的99%的人口生活在一定程度的光污染下,北美80%的人也无法看见银河系。Other countries plagued by high levels of light pollution include Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea. The worlds least light-polluted countries are Chad, Central African Republic, and Madagascar, where more than 75% of the population has pristine views of the starry night.其他光污染后遗症相当严重的国家还包括科威特,卡塔尔,阿联酋,沙特阿拉伯和韩国。

世界上光污染最多的国家是乍得,中非共和国和马达加斯加,那里75%以上的人口可以很更容易看见星星。In the report, the researchers write that they hope their data will aid others who study the impacts of light pollution as cities inevitably continue to get brighter.在报告中,研究人员写到,他们期望他们的数据将协助其他研究光污染的影响的人,因为城市的夜晚不可避免地在之后变暗。

