
发布时间:2024-02-07 06:00   浏览次数: 次   作者:金沙集团网址
本文摘要:Robots will replace a growing number of jobs in industries including automotive and electronics in the next few years, particularly in east Asia, according to new research.一项新的研究表明,未来几年,机器人将代替自动化和电子产品等行业更加多的工作岗位,特别是在是在东亚地区。

Robots will replace a growing number of jobs in industries including automotive and electronics in the next few years, particularly in east Asia, according to new research.一项新的研究表明,未来几年,机器人将代替自动化和电子产品等行业更加多的工作岗位,特别是在是在东亚地区。Worldwide sales of industrial robots rose 23 per cent last year and are on course to double by 2018, driving radical change in many manufacturing sectors, Boston Consulting Group said.波士顿咨询集团(BCG)回应,全球工业机器人销量去年快速增长23%,到2018年将翻一番,这将令很多制造业领域再次发生完全变革。

Although robots have been used in industry for decades, recent advances in technology have cut their costs and increased their capabilities, as a new generation of reprogrammable, multipurpose machines comes into service.尽管机器人在工业中的用于有数几十年时间,但最近科技的变革减少了机器人成本并提高了其性能,此际新一代可再行编程的多用途机器人于是以投入使用。The prices of industrial robots have been falling steadily, dropping about 14 per cent in the past four years to $133,000 for a typical system, while capabilities have been expanding.工业机器人的价格仍然在急剧上升,过去4年已总计暴跌14%左右,至13.3万美元,同时性能仍然在提高。Some robots are even cheaper: the Baxter robot from Rethink Robotics has a listed base price of $25,000, making it accessible to smaller companies that might have found it difficult to invest in earlier generations.一些机器人的价格甚至更加较低: Rethink Robotics的Baxter机器人基础定价为2.5万美元,让那些有可能很难投资于之前几代机器人的较小公司也能负担得起。Five countries — China, the US, Japan, Germany and South Korea — are expected to account for about 80 per cent of investment in industrial robots over the coming decade.预计中国、美国、日本、德国和韩国5国将占未来10年工业机器人投资的80%左右。

Advanced robots are set to cut costs and raise productivity, reducing employment in manufacturing in developed countries, while raising the skill levels demanded of the staff that remain.先进设备的机器人目的降低成本并提高生产率,从而增加发达国家制造业低收入,同时提升现有员工所需的技能水准。They are also likely to make labour costs a less significant factor for manufacturers making decisions about where to invest.它们还可能会在制造商在作出投资目的地要求时,让劳动力成本的因素不那么最重要。

About 200,000 industrial robots were shipped last year, BCG estimates, up from 163,000 in 2013, and in three years time the number could rise to 400,000.BCG估算,去年工业机器人销量超过20万台左右,低于2013年的16.3万台,到2017年,这一数字可能会升到40万台。In the manufacturing sectors that are the most readily automated, including cars and other transport equipment, computers and electronics and electrical equipment, about 85 per cent of tasks can be performed by robots, according to BCG.在最更容易构建自动化的制造业(还包括汽车和其他运输设备、电脑、电子产品和电器设备),大约85%的工作可能会由机器人已完成。Those sectors are likely to use the most robots over the coming decade, but other areas such as chemicals and metals are also likely to see increasing adoption of the newer, more flexible machines.未来几十年,这些行业用于的机器人可能会最多,但化工和金属等其他行业用于这种更加精致灵活性的机器的作法有可能也不会更加多。

The uptake of industrial robots will vary between countries as well as between industries, depending on factors including wage costs and labour regulations that could limit employers’ ability to replace workers with robots. BCG expects the fastest adoption will come in South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand, which have heavy concentrations of the industries that are capable of high levels of automation, higher labour costs than some of their low-wage competitors, and limited employment protections that would prevent job cuts.工业机器人的用于情况将不会因国家和行业的有所不同而有所不同,这各不相同很多因素,还包括薪资成本以及劳动力监管规定——这些规定可能会容许雇员用机器人代替员工的能力。BCG预测,韩国、台湾和泰国将是最慢用于机器人的国家,这些国家享有大量需要构建高度自动化的行业,劳动力成本低于一些较低薪资竞争国家,而且低收入维护受限(低收入维护将制止裁员)。Other relatively rapid adopters are expected to be China, Japan, the US, the UK and Canada.预计其他用于工业机器人比较很快的国家将是中国、日本、美国、英国和加拿大。

The countries likely to be slowest to embrace the new robots include more heavily regulated economies of Europe including France, Italy and Spain, as well as Brazil and India, according to BCG.BCG称之为,最快采纳新一代机器人的国家有可能是那些欧洲监管较严的经济体,还包括法国、意大利和西班牙等,还有巴西和印度。

