
发布时间:2024-01-29 06:00   浏览次数: 次   作者:金沙集团网址
本文摘要:Chinese scientists have begun developing a sample machine that will play a part in the development of a new era supercomputer capable of a billion-billion calculations per second, researchers revealed last Tuesday.研究人员上周二透漏,我国科学家已开始研发一台用作研制新一代运算能力约每秒百亿亿次的超级计算机的样机。

Chinese scientists have begun developing a sample machine that will play a part in the development of a new era supercomputer capable of a billion-billion calculations per second, researchers revealed last Tuesday.研究人员上周二透漏,我国科学家已开始研发一台用作研制新一代运算能力约每秒百亿亿次的超级计算机的样机。The National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin is developing the exascale supercomputer with the National University of Defense Technology, said Meng Xiangfei, assistant director at the center. The aim is to make the computer, which will be capable of a quintillion calculations per second, by 2020.国家超算天津中心主任助理孟祥飞回应,该中心正同国防科技大学牵头积极开展对百亿亿次超级计算机的研发。研发此计算机的目标是在2020年使其需要已完成每秒百亿亿次的计算出来。

It will be 200 times faster than Chinas Tianhe-1 supercomputer, and even faster than the most powerful supercomputers in the world, he said.孟祥飞回应,该计算机将比我国的天河一号超级计算机慢200倍,甚至比世界上最强劲的超级计算机还要慢。At present, Tianhe-1 supports various tasks including oil exploration, high-end equipment manufacturing, biological medicine and animation design, and serves nearly 1,000 customers.目前,天河一号反对多种任务,还包括石油勘探、高端装备生产、生物医药、动漫设计,为近1000名用户服务。Meng expected the new era computing system will mark a huge advancement in terms of intensity of calculation, calculation capacity of single chips and the rate of data transmission.孟祥飞预计新一代计算机系统将在计算出来强度、单块芯片计算能力和数据传输速率上均取得很大的提高。

The new supercomputer is expected to enter service by 2020. Its sample machine will hopefully be ready by early 2018, he said.他回应,这种新型超级计算机预计将于2020年前投入使用,其样机未来将会于2018年初前已完成。

